17.5m M/Y Sturiër 565 OC – Parimare


Scope of case study

  • Length: 17.50 meter
  • Built by: Sturiër Yachts
  • Installation: retrofit 2025
  • Hull Vane type: T400 – 3 struts
  • Speed: 11 knots

Interesting fact

My stern wave is much lower than before. Previously, when I sailed in deep and yet shallow water, a  wave would quickly appear. This has disappeared mostly, and the ship now digs in less at higher speeds. I can also say that fuel consumption at cruising speed has also become a lot less, and the ship then sails very nicely and quietly. The top speed is now a little higher, but we don’t often sail that fast. The benefits at cruising speed add up for us.

Owner Parimare